Mother’s Love

I called and you came but my face I hid afraid of what you might see my love, my fear the tears of pain at forgetting. As a mother her child you undressed me back to wild roots and bones the stones in my heart you plucked out so tenderly. Openly rebelling I cried with...

An Chailleach ag damhsa sa Ghaoth

(The crone dancing in the wind) And now she wears her evening gownof orange, brown and goldoh, how the light infuses herwith beauty of ages old. Not for her the brazen lightof Summer’s loud displayNovember’s colours suit her wellher nobler, wiser taste....
Embodied Soul – A Poem

Embodied Soul – A Poem

I am not your building to burn A scaffold of bones to lay bare A collection of muscles to toil and turn Take you from here to there. I am your Temple, glorious, whole, Made from the clay of the earth I am the sanctuary mankind stole From the Mother who gave you birth....
What is Somatic Movement?

What is Somatic Movement?

Somatic Movement provides a perfect vehicle for the observation of long-standing patterns. ‘Soma’ is the Greek word for body and so, the word ‘Somatic’ refers to the body.  Starting with the physical, which, for many, is often the most accessible, we unwind and...
What is Embodied Soul?

What is Embodied Soul?

Embodied Soul is a journey back to wholeness and health through self-discovery. The vessel for the voyage is the physical body, from which, the realms of mind, emotion and spirit can be explored. Pack lightly. Curiosity and an open heart and mind are all you need. “To...