Somatic Movement provides a perfect vehicle for the observation of long-standing patterns. ‘Soma’ is the Greek word for body and so, the word ‘Somatic’ refers to the body.  Starting with the physical, which, for many, is often the most accessible, we unwind and release long-held tension, which can relieve chronic pain. 

In unwinding this physical tension, we also begin to uncover subconscious thoughts, emotions and beliefs that have informed our lives without our conscious awareness; all the while, remaining grounded through the body. 

Once aware of the patterns that move us on all levels, conscious choice to either hold on or let go, becomes a possibility. In making the unconscious conscious, we have a choice in how our lives unfold. Instead of remaining stuck in a groove that no longer serves our well-being, we can choose to shed and renew, always uncovering the best version of ourselves in any given moment.